Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The Mighty George Carlin

George Carlin was a great comedian. I didn't know him for stand up as I don't think he was really that well known for it in the UK. He'll always be Rufus from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure for me I suppose. Actually, you soon forget that admittedly brilliant film when you watch some of his stand up. Besides, as good as it is, his famous routine Seven Words You Can't Say on TV doesn't really play in the UK since you can hear them all occasionally. I don't think they have a watershed period on US TV, no wonder then that their top sitcoms can inoffensively run on UK TV at 7am in the morning.

Anyway, George Carlin died in Autumn 2008 at the age of 71, but it's never too late to try out his wonderful comedy, that mixes an anti-authority stance with terrific word play and speaking rhythms. While it is sad in hindsight, Carlin agreed in late 2007 to an extensive interview of his career. This remarkable interview is on You Tube in about 7 parts, and runs nearly three hours, it really is a mammoth trawl through his life. So here it is.







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